
Cartes blanches

A Molson muscle.
An icy handjob from an Edmonton hooker.
Being Canadian.
Burning down the White House.
Canada: America's Hat.
Don Cherry's wardrobe.
Heritage minutes.
Homo milk.
Mr. Dressup.
Naked News.
Schmirler the Curler.
Stephen Harper.
Syrupy sex with a maple tree.
Terry Fox's prosthetic leg.
The Famous Five.
The FLQ.
The Official Languages Act. La Loi sur les langues officielles.
The Royal Canadian Mounted Police.

Cartes noires

Air Canada guidelines now prohibit ____ on airplanes.
CTV presents ____, the story of ____.
In an attempt to reach a wider audience, the Royal Ontario Museum has opened an interactive exhibit on ____.
O Canada, we stand on guard for ____.
What's the Canadian government using to inspire rural students to succeed?
